
Applications now open for NT New Views student playwriting competition

Alongside supplying CPD for teachers, the competition provides students aged 14-19 with professional mentoring and the chance to see their work performed at the NT.
If Not Now, When by Isabel Hague - New Views 2019 Winner
If Not Now, When by Isabel Hague - New Views 2019 Winner - Courtesy NT New Views

Applications are now open for the National Theatre's New Views 2022/23 competition. 

Any school or college can apply to participate in the programme, and while New Views is aimed at school years 10 - 13, slightly younger students may take part at the discretion of individual schools and colleges. 

In the New Views programme teachers have the opportunity to gain skills as practical facilitators and young people can be empowered to tell the stories that matter to them. 

In 2021, Natalie Randall, the teacher of the New Views 2021 winner Mackenzie Wellfare, said: ’New Views has really helped with [the students'] understanding about the structure of a play, and what you have to try and communicate to an audience through a play. I think it really helped with their devising for their A Level course as well. It made a big difference.’

After winning with his play Perspective, Welfare gave D&T the following advice for entering next years’ competition: ‘Make your play as authentic as possible because it really shines through. You can't write anything wrong if you have experienced it and you're passionate about it,’

Applications are now open and more information will be available in the summer. To apply, complete the form by 29 July. 

If you are a playwright and facilitator who would be interested in working on New Views, email Nadya on